Writers Workshop

Post writing up for critiques, ask for advice on how to improve - or just partake in our monthly prompts it's all here

Modern Day Move to Innovation started by Admin Robin

Could members indicate whether they wish to finish threads on here and start new threads on Innovation or if they would rather admin summarise the story so far, link to the thread on here and

Admin Robin
Sept 12, 2017 7:33:54 GMT


Raphaels GMC started by Admin Robin

Character used: Raphael Goal: His stated goal is to further his own knowledge and understanding Motivations: Major Motiv

Admin Robin
Sept 2, 2017 10:01:17 GMT


Writing Prompt: Goal, Motivation, Conflict started by Admin Robin

Most characters, to become believable, have a goal, a motivation and some form of conflict, beyond the goal and motivations of the group they're in. So this is your writing

Admin Robin
Sept 2, 2017 9:46:34 GMT


Writing Prompt: Dating Profile started by Admin Robin

This months mission, if you choose to accept it, is to create a dating profile for your character - this is the first step: The Summary. This should include random information on your

Admin Robin
Aug 7, 2017 8:11:05 GMT


Prompt me started by Admin Robin

So if you need a prompt - be it for a roleplay starter or a piece of writing? Post the words 'prompt me' optionally include if you want a minimum word count/deadline to meet and wait to see what

Admin Robin
Jul 10, 2017 18:36:52 GMT


Monthly Writing Prompt: Description started by Admin Robin

Your challenge - if you chose to accept it - is to chose one item that you can see, and describe it in such a way that we know what it is without telling us what the object is you are describing

Admin Robin
Jul 8, 2017 5:52:26 GMT